Nerdy boy pumps his ass with enema

Looking like this, the guy could have been a scientist or a journalist, but he’s actually an amateur porn star, playing in boy enema movies. His tight anus accepts the thin cap of a tube attached to the big green bag full of water. It starts pumping water into his ass right away, squeezed by the insatiable young amateur. The boy raises his legs and spreads them so his ass is totally relaxed, enjoying the feeling of water washing his rectum and anus. When it fills his ass to the brim, he sticks the tube out of his ass and lets the water ooze back from his swelled asshole. It’s pouring like a little fountain after the abundant enema.

Title: Nerdy boy pumps his ass with enema

Submited by: Fecal Matter

Category: anus

Added on: August 4th, 2012

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