Two men shitting outdoors

A lovely slender boy all wrapped in plastic film is lying on the ground and can`t move. His naked boyfriend squats down over him and excretes heavy pieces of fresh shit. His tight butt is slightly stretching and thick blobs of brown feces are coming out. They fall down on the motionless boy forming a beautiful pile on his body. Wonderful close-ups let you see the shit coming out of the asshole and then you can admire the boy getting topped with porridge-like shit. This awesome gay scat scene looks like a kind of foreplay and the men are going to throw some wilder sex games soon. Wanna join these perverted scat amateurs and have fun with them?

Title: Two men shitting outdoors

Submited by: Fecal Matter

Category: asshole

Added on: March 17th, 2012

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  1. By: Cornelius29

    very nice


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