Young boy pooping on the kitchen table

A kitchen table is a nice place for your craziest and most perverted scat sex fantasies! Here`s a young naked boy pooping in a paper tray in the squatting posture. You won`t see too much shit in this scat movie but it`s definitely worth seeing. First of all to watch how this slender boy strains to eject some small pieces of reddish brown shit in the tray. His tight asshole gets stretched and the shit comes out. It looks really tempting and even provocative as this delicious naked twink poops on the table. Guess nobody could resist temptation to sweep his dirty narrow asshole after the boy defecates.

Title: Young boy pooping on the kitchen table

Submited by: Fecal Matter

Category: asshole

Added on: March 6th, 2012

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  1. By: Danny

    Is the boy constipated? I can’t tell if the poop is hard and dry. Did anyone ask him how long it had been since he’d gone?

  2. By: Derek calvert

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