Handsome boy lies on his back with his legs in the air and his pants pulled down, so the whole butt is exposed naked. He has a big plastic bottle with over a liter of warm water, which is ready to get pumped into his ass. He plugs his butt with its neck, making his rectum fill with water, because he really needs a cleaning. When the bottle is half empty, his ass is stuffed to the limit, and the whole amount of pumped water starts oozing from it, swelling it from the inside. The guy lying on the shower cabin floor enjoys exposing his bulging anus, abundantly oozing after the improvised enema.
Title: Ass pumping in the shower
Submited by: Fecal Matter
Category: boy
Added on: April 21st, 2012
Views: 27,248 views
By: ramon
me gustaria resibir en mi correo videos asi d scat