Being close to the WC seat is a great advantage this camera makes a use of. It watches the tight ass of a twink appear on the horizon, and as it gets closer, awesome close-up shots are ready. However, it’s only the beginning of the scat show. Further on, the boy attaches his ass to the edge of the pan’s seat and makes it hang into it for a shitting reason. A small piece of shit shows from his asshole, and then, all of a sudden, the huge mass bursts out of his immediately stretching ass. It’s so overwhelming that the runoff can’t take it all away, leaving the huge pile of brown shit laying on its surface. It looks like an eruption of a volcano rather than just a usual scat porn tube.
Title: Close-up shots of massive defecation
Submited by: Fecal Matter
Category: boy
Added on: September 18th, 2012
Views: 67,894 views
By: khakibum
Incredible! Fuckin’ beautiful!
By: jorge suares
bueno si muy bueno
By: farhad
very nice
By: turner
big shit
By: Tommy
Damn, I almost came watching that! What a great shit
Very nice as thanks for that SHIT!!!!
By: buttcheeks
this guys pooper is lickable while his rectum gives me fresh love in my mouth
By: IhaveadifferentFetish
i like this alot.