Young twink pooping in toilet

A 2-minute scat video shows a young twink pooping in toilet. The boy pulls his pants off and squats down to shit in a plastic pot. He slightly strains and thick smelling pieces of crap are coming out from his tight delicious asshole. Admire nice views of the boy`s butt and watch him caressing his cock and balls at the time of shitting. Wonderful close-ups of the feces let you feel fragrant aroma of fresh brown poop. Watching this solo scat video you`ll get horny as never and your cock will move in pants burning to fuck this young twink in his tight wet ass. Don`t restrain yourself and give free rein to the craziest scat fantasies!

Title: Young twink pooping in toilet

Submited by: Fecal Matter

Category: boy

Added on: February 25th, 2012

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  2. By: wrdaa

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  3. By: Jack

    Sounds like you were really struggling a little bit on that one. I could hear you grunting and could tell you were working hard. Keep up the good work!

  4. By: joe

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  5. By: Ciota Locha

    I very like pooping.


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