Heavy dump in the tent

Nothing is hotter and more exciting than a good outdoor dump! Here`s a young handsome boy shitting in a tent and excreting fat pieces of poo. He pulls his jeans down to the knees and squats down slightly sticking out his pretty ass. There`s a kind of underpan on the ground where the shit is falling down. The boy disgorges some nice big blobs of shit and you can admire the whole process in perfect quality. This exclusive scat movie is especially good for all those crazy about wild perverted poo fantasies! Watch this young twink shitting in the tent and your most insane fetish fantasies will drill your imagination.

Title: Heavy dump in the tent

Submited by: Fecal Matter

Category: fantasies

Added on: March 23rd, 2012

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  1. By: neon06

    busco peña para darle de comer

  2. By: xoxoxokisses

    Wow thats beautiful

  3. By: davesdaddy

    I feel like getting kicked out of my home and having someone drop on a duke on my eviction. Smear that trott all over us


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