Young energetic couple full of energy is having fun in the club. They see couples kissing and touching each other right on the dance floor. They are getting excited. The sexy lady offers her man to follow to the toilet for fulfilling their horny duty. Man not only accepts the offer, he suddenly takes her into his strong arms and brings to the dirty toilet full of shit as it were the queen’s bedroom. What happened next is what actually happening in the toilet. They shit, they pee, and they forgot that it is club toilet. They sank into world of mad fantasies full of scat, stinky smell and dirt.
Title: Horny scat couple in club toilet
Submited by: Fecal Matter
Category: fantasies
Added on: April 5th, 2012
Views: 97,764 views
By: ....
its so sick
By: Puff
i like it
By: Tommy Bairstow
R.B. Jolles I (WOOD) let your asshole give me it’s love fresh from the rectum you have in your asshole.
By: davesdaddy
Trott trott trott on yourfacefaceface. Dave you love this
By: fresh from the rectum
his asscheeks on my face like a toilet seat my mouth is the toilet 4 his shti like substance his asshole poops out
By: lisa perra esclava
mmmque rico sisisii me llenaran asi de mierda ahhh sii soy una comemierda una basura mmm sii maricona cochina
By: lisa perra esclava
que rico si me llenaran asi de mierda ahhh sii soy una comemierda una basura mmm sii maricona cochina
By: scathunter
Very exciting!