The old man sitting in front of the webcam may look ordinary, but inside he’s one of the most perverted and wicked guys on this fucking planet. His mouth is really hungry today, so he takes a large plate with a huge turd in the very middle of it. He probably has a lot of shit in his head, so some more won’t hurt. He opens up his mouth and sticks the brown piece of shit into it. Chewing the turd for a little bit, he must be enjoying its taste, and now he shows us the brown tongue to share his pleasure with the watchers. One of the weirdest and most simple shitting porn fantasies, this one leaves no doubts: this world is crazy and the man who eats shit is one of its apostles.
Title: Naturally hungry for shit old man
Submited by: Fecal Matter
Category: fantasies
Added on: June 2nd, 2012
Views: 33,664 views
By: Jake
Can you please make a mobile version?