Some people have a compulsive need to stay clean. This guy suffers from the exact opposite: he doesn’t feel right unless he’s disgustingly dirty. That in mind, the babe crouches over his bathtub and takes a massive shit. The load is nice and creamy, just the right consistency for what he plans to do next. Carefully climbing in, he plays around with the soft poop for a moment before picking it up and smearing it all over his body. In seconds, his entire chest and groin area is covered in crap, creating a layer of dirt that he finds amazing and delicious.
Title: Dude takes a shit bath
Submited by: Fecal Matter
Category: guy
Added on: November 11th, 2012
Views: 133,200 views
By: steve
you are so beautiful. XOXO
By: Mark
OMG! You are the perfect man for me!
By: john
Gross!!! Ranma u make me feel dizzy.
By: pooplover231
omg i love it. I’d love to eat all that shit.
By: ratax
I want to eat your scat
By: Roger Musser
Do you sell DVDs? I would like to buy several.
By: owen
Ur fucking hot mate – love to have us each crap then swap and eat then wank and eat too
By: smoothhole
mmmmmm id luv 2 bath in shit with u