Muscular and handsome man could have got a better job than playing in scat porn videos, but he’s made his choice. Today in the morning he wakes up with a good idea to shit without leaving the bed. He lays down a huge pile, smearing his thighs, stomach and even cock in his brown shit. The awfulness increases when he decides to turn off his morning erection and starts stroking his dirty cock. The shit is slurping under his fingers, when he clutches the dick and starts rubbing it. A disgusting view of this guy, covered with a thick crust of his own shit and enjoying the morning masturbation, makes a great difference between bizarre porn videos and this fucking awesomeness.
Title: Weird guy strokes his cock smeared in shit
Submited by: Fecal Matter
Category: man
Added on: July 5th, 2012
Views: 46,700 views
Wierd, but a huge turn-on! Great shitting, great stroking, great cumshot, great video!
By: john
Wiper u are the……….. MAN!!! EMAIL ME?
By: anonymous
who is this guy, I’d love to meet him, or anyone interested in scat play in IL