Shitting over a guy in the forest

This nasty boy has held it for too long. His urge to shit has mixed with the sexual attraction to his friend, that’s why he’s stunned him in the forest, took off his clothes and bound him within cellophane film. Now he squats spreading his legs over his friend, and some shit is going to happen. It doesn’t come easy at the first time, but this guy puts all efforts into shitting onto his friend with his pants down. His nasty naked ass swings above the cellophane-coated chest and belly of this unfortunate, starting to poop only in the end of the shitty video. Despite the power of desire, he couldn’t make enough turds to be proud of it.

Title: Shitting over a guy in the forest

Submited by: Fecal Matter

Category: video

Added on: May 21st, 2012

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