Lying on the floor, this bitch is eager to taste the guy’s inner world, waiting for the large brown turd to drop from his ass into her mouth. She patiently watches the huge piece of shit hang over her head and finally gets the deserved prize: it’s stuck in her mouth. After laying a turd or two, the guy stands up to continue the wild show in the shitting porn video with some pissing. He points his cock at the face of the nasty whore and dilutes the brown pile with his urine. Totally soaked bitch with lots of crap smeared over her face gets subjected to additional anal sex, put on her knees and roughly screwed from behind by the guy, who wasn’t satisfied with just shitting onto her face.
Title: Horny guy shitting and pissing into the girl’s mouth
Submited by: Fecal Matter
Category: ass
Added on: August 25th, 2012
Views: 807,299 views
By: bilya
nice shiting
By: Hyde
Hoe like to shit on me
By: allen
someone should shit in my mouth near Charleroi PA
By: bumhole worx
sit on my face like a toilet seat crap in my mouth i wanna taste your E V I L