Super mix of poop and piss

Nasty young boy is standing on his knees in the middle of the room, with his pants taken off and a tight hole of his anus looking straight into the camera. He shits a large pile, making poop come out of his ass a turd by turd. This incredible show is diversified with his next actions. He pisses into the bottle to water the pile of shit with his pee, after he’s finished with pooping. The delightful cocktail makes this insane fetish boy really happy, but there is still one thing left to do. He takes a yellow napkin to wipe his ass, leaving a huge brown spot right in the middle of it. Now he’s finished and happy with the shitting show.

Title: Super mix of poop and piss

Submited by: Fecal Matter

Category: ass

Added on: June 5th, 2012

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  1. By: dennie28

    Would love to attack that pile of shit with my mouth and then lick clean that hole.


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