The boy strips naked in the kitchen and uses an empty plastic egg box as a vessel for his brown feces. He shits in the squatting posture with his legs wide spread so you can admire huge greasy blobs of poo coming out from his stretched asshole and falling down in the box. Dark sausage-like pieces are really big and look very appetizing. But his ass is even more delicious and inviting. The asshole is all smeared with brown shit and gets stretched every time as the boy strains to disgorge more poo in the egg box. The guy is young and sexy and it`d be lovely to have fun with his dirty greasy ass!
Title: Big pieces of shit in an egg box
Submited by: Fecal Matter
Category: asshole
Added on: March 20th, 2012
Views: 23,972 views
By: Jay
I like it