Young boy gets naked and squats down in the shower cabin to shit in a plastic tray. Admire his sexy nude body and then watch his nice tight ass ready to excrete some good loads of poo. The guy slightly bends forward and spreads his juicy buttocks showing off his teasing little asshole. He strains and delivers huge pieces of dark shit in the tray. This defecation process is shown from behind in perfect quality. The poo coming out from his narrow asshole looks really tasty. The guy shits more and more, and soon the tray is almost full with brown smelling stuff. Nice close-ups let you admire this appetizing pile of shit to make your cock move in pants.
Title: Solo shitting in the shower cabin
Submited by: Fecal Matter
Category: asshole
Added on: March 14th, 2012
Views: 21,706 views
Could not wait to see the truly nice SHIT to come as worth waiting for.