Most people go poop in the toilet, but this creative boy much rather prefers to utilize his sink. The basin is a nice, clean white color, and when he drops his logs there, the contrast of the ivory and brown is breathtaking to him. In addition to being able to stand while shitting, this hottie also gets the opportunity to inspect his feces after delivering them, taking in the heady scent and wonderful saturation. We’re sure what he’ll enjoy most about this situation is picking up his doo-doo and disposing of it later!
Title: Brown shit in a white sink
Submited by: Fecal Matter
Category: boy
Added on: December 22nd, 2012
Views: 153,443 views
By: jorge suares
hermoso, muy bueno
By: jorge suares
me gusto mucho muy bueno
By: Phil soum
Magnifique . Cà donne faim !
By: jose
me parece muy chevere quiero saber mas
By: joe
nice buttcrack makes nice ass, id let his ass work on me!
By: Tommy
It’s so hot seeing a guy push his shit out! I’m hard. Love to be there up close and get the odor too.
By: nick
that was so sexy i wish someone would shit on me
By: dogslave1976
Love it. Want smear all over my body
to send this into the public is to truly show how all of us here LOVE SHIT!!!!
what SHIT can tell you in LIFE is amazing plus DEATH too.
you will be amazed at what SHIT being our greatest gift can
Love this video as THE SHIT looks so wonderful and maybe a slight taste of THE SHIT would be in the making.
By: charliebird
Nice turd. I like to watch men shit as long as it’s outside and up-wind.
By: hole in buttcrack
sit on my face give me your evil fresh from the hole in the crack of your buttcheeks.
By: the hole in his ass
id let his rectum give me fresh crap every day with my lips on his asshole getting the freshest from his butthole
By: gonzalo
como me gustan estos video lastima no an suvido alguno nuevo animensen gurises quiero ver mas de estos
By: Tommy jared Bairstow
my face is a toilet seat let your poopah crap EVIL shit in my mouth fresh from your bum that worx! MY BUM WORX JUST LIKE HIS!!!
By: Sam
That is a great poop that I would like to eat whole or be spoon fed every time he had to poop. I also would of course clean his ass with my tongue.Can I also have some of his piss to wash all that poop down with? Yum,yum fill my tum tum.
By: hiwayrobbie
Hot vid…instant hard on and can imagine the feeling of the cold basin against his arse and the incedible feeling of sharing his anus and contentswith us.Must try this myself on vid.
By: mmzakc
Definitely would love to smear that on my cock