Hard shitting in the shower

Horny boy has overeaten and now it’s a real problem for him to shit. Even our porn camera, turned him on from the first sight, is unable to help this guy getting a relief. His ass seems just too tight to let this huge piece of shit out of it. Squatting in the shower, cheered by our crew and putting all efforts into shitting, he spends around five minutes pushing the shit with all his muscles down his anus. Almost torn apart, it finally shoots a turd onto the floor, and the guy keeps happily shitting all over the shower. Some stimulation can definitely help him next time, but he shouldn’t eat that much, that’s for sure.

Title: Hard shitting in the shower

Submited by: Fecal Matter

Category: boy

Added on: July 11th, 2012

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  1. By: mark

    i am only 21 years old, but i would love to eat that shit strait from your asshole

  2. By: Brian

    i’m interested in making these videos. Please contact me. Thanks

  3. By: Ste

    I’ll try anythin


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