New wonderful scat porn episodes showing a young sexy boy having a hard diarrhea in the backseat of his car! He just lies back and pulls his pants down sticking his naked ass out. He spreads his buttocks and a mighty jet of yellowish slush is spurting out. The boy doesn`t even have to strain. The shit is just spraying from his stretched asshole and he holds his cock and balls not to get them dirty. This awesome scat porn video is nice for all shit amateurs as it shows fantastic close-ups of the boy`s wet butt and lets you admire his yellowish watery poo on the roadside. Enjoy this young twink dumping in the backseat and your craziest shit fantasies will get your cock ablaze.
Title: Diarrhea in the backseat
Submited by: Fecal Matter
Category: boy
Added on: March 4th, 2012
Views: 34,383 views
By: jc
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