Another situation has been shot by our crew, always delivering the best porn movies up to you. This episode with a boy, shitting in the middle of the toilet and ignoring the pan, is extremely hot due to this guy’s healthy stomach. He was able to lay down the hugest pile of shit we’ve ever seen! At our command, he’s squatted and then stood on his knees with the ass wide opened. His anus has swelled, stretched by the coming turd, and finally it’s got out of his pooper, slowly crawling down into the white plastic box he’s put under his ass. Another turd, almost touching his balls, has followed the first one, building a pyramid of shit.
Title: Shitting over the toilet floor
Submited by: Fecal Matter
Category: boy
Added on: June 17th, 2012
Views: 37,644 views
By: joao
Super legal esse video, alguem tem para troca?