Shitty lube for the scat masturbation

Horny boy wants to rub his cock, but he needs something to lube his dick for his hands are rough. All of a sudden, he chooses his own shit as the lubrication for masturbation. He takes a large bowl, turns around, and his ass starts swelling. One by one, several small feces drop into the bowl and he presses them down and pounds with his hands. When the mass becomes even, he presses his hands in the shit and starts smearing his cock with it. The brown spot on his belly and on his cock becomes really large and that’s why he’s satisfied with smoothly going hand over his penis. The scat masturbation starts, making the small pieces of shit fall down from his cock as he teases it.

Title: Shitty lube for the scat masturbation

Submited by: Fecal Matter

Category: boy

Added on: June 23rd, 2012

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