A bit of shitting in the kitchen

It has started several days ago, when the guy has run out of products in his fridge. He didn’t eat for two days and don’t even have money to buy a meal. That’s why he’s agreed to pose for out shitting video, spreading his ass on the kitchen table, where his troubles have begun. Too bad that even money, he’s got paid for it, didn’t let him eat like he should have ate. Now the whole shitting porn video is a crap, because this poor boy is unable to make any significant pile of turd in the special box we’ve given to him. You can watch the unfortunate trying to crap at least a little pile, consisting of just two or three small pieces of shit.

Title: A bit of shitting in the kitchen

Submited by: Fecal Matter

Category: guy

Added on: May 15th, 2012

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