Brown feces released into toilet bowl

Squatting slightly over the toilet bowl, horny guy seems to have quite some difficulty in pushing out his anal snakes from his lusty asshole at first. However once the small chunks of anal snakes are released out, dude seems not to have any more control over it as he seems to suffer Montezuma’s revenge, with his later releases. Squirting out his drizzling feces vigorously, nasty guy had a good time relieving his stomach from the wonderful pain tension that he has been experiencing. With all his turds released out, kinky boy feels so satisfied and pleasured.

Title: Brown feces released into toilet bowl

Submited by: Fecal Matter

Category: guy

Added on: October 9th, 2012

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  1. By: hungry4willie

    Great video! I see you add lots of scat videos from all around. I like this one one a lot. Do you have anymore from this person or send me the site you found it on.

  2. By: randycunt

    Dropped a massive load of turds there. Great shitting vid.


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