Sexy nude boy shitting in WC is what we`re enjoying right now. Watching this new solo scat movie your cock will jiggle in pants as this young 18-year-old guy delivers heavy blobs of shit in the tray. Beautiful close-ups show his nice ass disgorging the shit and of course smelling stuff in the tray. There seems no end to this wild defecation video…More and more dark smelling pieces are falling down… The more this young twink shits in WC the more I want to join him and enjoy his sweet nude body and play some wild scat games with him. What about spreading this fresh poo all over his body and then tasting his narrow flexible asshole?
Title: Pooping in the tray in WC
Submited by: Fecal Matter
Category: guy
Added on: March 3rd, 2012
Views: 25,692 views
If this video plays all the way through without buffering I will EAT ALL HIS SHIT!!!!
By: fresh from the rectum
his bum worx just like my bum