Nasty guy has troubles with the pan

The opened up lid of the pan welcomes us as soon as the scat porn video starts. Then a huge back of a guy enters the frame, carried by his massive legs. He squats over the pan turning his back to the camera, but nothing happens much no matter how he tries to start something. His urge seems unbearable, but he just doesn’t know the catalyst that would help him to shit. However, after trying this position, he walks away to think about something else and comes back in several seconds, trying to face the camera this time. It looks like this pose is much more comfortable for this lad, and his small cock feels great hanging in front of the lens, so he finally starts and finishes scatting in this scat movie.

Title: Nasty guy has troubles with the pan

Submited by: Fecal Matter

Category: video

Added on: September 21st, 2012

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