Sudden shitting urge in the middle of the road

Crazy guy makes a rapid shitting try in the middle of the road. In a hot shitting porn video we can see his ass, swelled by the huge load of poo he holds within. Finally ready to crap, he gets a large bowl made from the plastic can, to fill it with his brown, sick turd. His ass is sticking out of the door of his car, when he substitutes the improvised bowl to his ass and starts pushing the shit out of his anus, making it strain and pulse. Large cock also gets exposed on this porn video, but the main role is given to his fine ass, shitting all around with the crap, he’s hold for too long, driving a car during his far journey without stopping.

Title: Sudden shitting urge in the middle of the road

Submited by: Fecal Matter

Category: video

Added on: April 23rd, 2012

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  1. By: Tommy jared Bairstow

    uncut P E N I S! is his crap uncut also


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