Gorgeous looking dude takes pride in collecting his precious fecal matters with his own hands. As he squirms and pushes the muscles of his lusty balloon knots, handsome dude could feel the pressure mounting in his anus. With such an amazing and flexible bunghole, young guy begins to eject out his load of brownish anal butter. Dude feels so excited and with great sense of achievement when he collects his fecal matter, freshly baked from his rectum with his bare hand just before it hits the floor. Rubbing and mashing his pile of feces all over his swollen cock makes dude feel so good.
Title: Self-collection of lusty feces
Submited by: Fecal Matter
Category: anus
Added on: September 27th, 2012
Views: 77,487 views
By: sam
love it!
By: Luis
Very very nice.
By: ruben
Wow, damn hot, would love to have good time with you
By: roger
Can’t download, do i need latest version of flash player? Please send me any link i can download to see movies. Thanks
By: roger
Any masculine men that are alpha tops (blue collar men a plus) in the Indiana Illinois Kentucky tri state area (i also will travel past this area for right man) please email me at midwestroger @ yahoo.com
By: john
Uhhhhhh. Can u spell desperate?
By: Lester Darby
A friend dared me to watch…I thinking hoping I was into this sort of thing. None of you get judgment from me but I would like to know if this is a real fetish and what turns you on about poop. He appeared to even taste it. Is he not worried that waste expelled from the body is now too toxic to re process?
Love you!!!
By: Wow
Thanks for the orgasm!