Young naked boy shows off his sexy slender body in adult diaper. He`s now in his living room and looks really sexy. The boy strains and the diaper is getting wider. He then takes it off and lets you admire his dirty ass and a good pile of slightly watery brownish poop in the diaper. This solo scat movie is perfect for your wildest and most insane fetish fantasies. Watch this handsome young guy shitting in the diaper and imagine taking care of his dirty wet ass… A delightful smell is emanating from the dirty diaper making you even hornier. Wipe it clean and then get it stuffed with your fat throbbing cock.
Title: Dumping in a maxi diaper
Submited by: Fecal Matter
Category: boy
Added on: March 7th, 2012
Views: 29,309 views
By: jc
you want to be my baby for one night i love your videos